
Our vibrant and motivating work environment demands performance and rewards innovation, teamwork, and leadership.


TWD does not adhere to rigid behavior and work patterns. We encourage innovation, creativity, and teamwork among our employees. We do, however, feel it is important to establish certain guidelines for acceptable employee conduct which are intended to encourage a professional environment.

U.S. laws and regulations place an emphasis on appropriate business ethics, integrity, and corporate governance. At TWD this is a staple of common practice. Our long-standing philosophy is to operate at the highest level of business ethics in the pursuit and performance of the company’s business.

You Are the Face of TWD

We believe it is important for our TWD employees, consultants and subcontractors to realize that they represent the company at all times. All actions have a direct impact, either positive or negative, on how others perceive our organization. Accordingly, in order to demonstrate that TWD is an effective, well-run organization, it is imperative that all TWD employees and consultants act:

  • in a professional, courteous, competent manner
  • with the highest level of integrity and business ethics

TWD’s “Standard of Ethics and Code of Business Conduct” is made available to all employees, consultants and subcontractors and serves as the ethical principles for our business. This document is consistent with the manner in which TWD has operated since its inception and applies to all employees and consultants. Absolute adherence to all aspects outlined in this document is paramount to employment at TWD, and transcends other TWD business interests.

TWD provides a variety of channels for questions or concerns regarding the “Standard of Ethics” document, or to report perceived violations of compliance. Employees may report concerns to their supervisor or manager, or, if they prefer, to an Ethics Committee Member or the company’s Ethics Compliance Officer. TWD also provides an Ethics Hotline which is available 24 hours a day. An online reporting mechanism can be found on the TWD SharePoint portal.

As a government contractor, we have a special duty of performance that meets and exceeds the requirements of public service because our operations use taxpayer-provided funds. This special duty of performance is described in U.S. laws and regulations and implemented in our “Standard of Ethics” policy.

Assuring Adherence

All TWD employees, consultants and subcontractors are obligated to adhere to the ethical standards and business practices set forth in the “Standard of Ethics” document. We expect all TWD representatives to take responsibility and accountability for their actions. Likewise, exemplary corporate leadership demands manager oversight of employee’s adherence to – and execution of – the “Standard of Ethics” document.