TWD Proudly Celebrates its 25th Anniversary
McLean, VA – September 20, 2017 – TWD & Associates, Inc. (TWD) turned 25 years old this month. In September 1992, TWD’s founder, Al Algoso, decided to turn his one-man consultancy into a full-fledged company. In the 25 years since Al created our company, TWD has grown, shrunk, added capabilities and customers, added and dropped lines of business, acquired companies, sold them, made money in most years and never blinked an eye at competing in a turbulent industry and marketplace whether we won or lost. No matter the circumstance we found ourselves in – good or bad – TWD has maintained a steady focus on providing valuable technology services to customers so they could successfully perform their mission while helping our employees develop their careers and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
By way of comparison, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has numbers that consistently show over time that 20% of new small businesses fail in their first year, 50% fail by their fifth year, 70% fail by their tenth year and almost 80% fail by their twentieth year. What then has helped TWD beat those odds and make it to its 25th Anniversary?
We’ve served customers at the highest levels of our government and performed some of our nation’s most important missions. We understand, embrace and perform at a level known in some circles as Presidential Quality. We operate in places where “5-Nine” isn’t nearly good enough – the mission must succeed 100% of the time – even when the operation is encumbered with failures all around.
We service contracts and customers big and small alike – no customer or job is too small. We treat all our engagements with the same attention to detail and dedication to quality performance.
We share the benefits of our business. As a majority-owned ESOP company, we have paid out over $9.6 million dollars in cash to our employee-owners since 2002. As of today, over 600 current and former employees depend on us to help them fund their retirement.
We don’t succeed at everything we do but we never quit trying and we never stop looking for ways to improve and grow; to help our customers; to support our employees; to be responsive to all our stakeholders.
We express our gratitude and appreciation to all who have been part of TWD’s history and its present. We look forward with optimism and determination to continuing the TWD story and adding new chapters to its legacy.
Larry Besterman
President & CEO
TWD & Associates, Inc.