TWD & Associates, Inc. Experiences Significant Growth in Infrastructure Development Business
General and Electrical Contracting Total Nearly $6.6 Million in 2012
Arlington, VA – May 13, 2013 – TWD & Associates, Inc. (TWD), a communication and collaboration solutions provider for the public sector, today announced record growth in its general and electrical infrastructure development business. In 2012, the company won seventeen subcontracts for projects totaling nearly $6.6 million. The awards spanned military complexes, federal buildings, state and local projects, educational campuses and private industry.
“TWD is working with us as a subcontractor on a public sector site,” said Rob Matthue, Project Manager, Circuits Unlimited, Inc. “The TWD team not only understands the cabling and telecommunications needs for our customers, but also has decades of experience working with public sector clients to provide support on their unique needs such as electronic security and monitoring systems.”
In 2012, TWD contracted with Laco Electric, Gill-Simpson, Bryant-Berry, Inc., BoMark Electric, Baltimore Electric Service, Inc., MBR Construction Services, Circuits Unlimited, Inc., Whiting-Turner, Turner Construction Company, J. Thomas Bowles, Inc., Walsh Construction Co., BFPE International, Costello Construction and Manhattan-Hunt Joint Venture.
“As we expanded our growth in infrastructure development, we were able to partner with well-respected leaders in the construction market,” said Larry Besterman, President and CEO, TWD. “We look forward to continuing to work with our partners to provide communications and security infrastructure to the public and private sectors.”
To learn more about TWD’s technology systems capabilities, visit
About TWD & Associates, Inc.
For 20 years, TWD & Associates, Inc. (TWD) has built and maintained communication and collaboration solutions for executive-level, national security-focused organizations. The Arlington, VA-based company employs highly-certified technical experts to offer cost-effective solutions that meet mission requirements. For additional information on TWD, please visit