TWD & Associates Helps Department of Homeland Security Complete Major Cloud Migration
McLean, VA – February 26, 2018 – TWD & Associates, Inc. (TWD), a technology solutions provider, today announced that it has helped the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) successfully migrate its Central Indexing System (CIS) to the cloud.
CIS is a repository of electronic data that has been in place for decades. TWD worked in conjunction with DHS USCIS to modernize the system, moving it from the legacy architecture to a modern microservices cloud-based architecture. The new platform went live on December 17, 2018, 17 months after project kick-off.
“DHS USCIS has ambitious goals for its information technology and modernization efforts,” said Larry Besterman, President and CEO, TWD. “As a trusted partner, TWD continues to work with department technology leaders to make these goals a reality. Through this process, DHS USCIS was able to save taxpayers millions of dollars with a migration away from mainframe to the cloud, while improving the capabilities and efficiency of the CIS application.”
The project, awarded through the Joint Engineering Teams-Sustainment (JETS) contract, included the refactoring of the existing mainframe application into a microservices-based application on Amazon Web Services – meeting or exceeding all performance metrics on the mainframe.
The application has more than 36,000 users across multiple DHS components and a number of other federal agencies throughout government. It also interfaces with many other government systems. The migration required an entirely new database to be developed, the interface code to be rewritten, as well as the creation of new code for the mainframe-based screens and reports, all accomplished through the use of agile methodologies.
“This project delivers on the promise of the cloud in terms of increased efficiencies and cost savings, but it can be a very challenging and complicated process – you can’t just ‘lift and shift,’” said Besterman. “We have been told that this is the most successful enterprise deployment yet at DHS USCIS. I’d like to thank our partners from industry and government who worked with us, shoulder-to-shoulder, to deliver on this program. The team showed great collaboration, determination and dedication, working together to overcome many challenges along the way.”
About TWD & Associates, Inc.
TWD delivers technology solutions that provide business value to customers, from large federal agencies in highly secure environments to commercial companies and non-profits. For more than 25 years TWD has been a trusted partner, demonstrating technological agility to deliver innovative solutions and bridge the gap between what is possible and what is practical in infrastructure, systems and applications. TWD uses Lean Agile processes to provide IT modernization and cloud transitions that are scalable and aligned with modern technology evolution.